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Quickstart guide to

Getting started with ThreadScribe is a straightforward process.

  1. Install the ThreadScribe Copilot

    Click HERE here to install the ThreadScribe app to your workspace. Authorize it by clicking Allow.

    Installing Threadscribe

    ThreadScribe will react with the eyes emoji (👀) which indicates that it has received the request.

  2. Start summarizing

    Find a lengthly thread and ask, @ThreadScribe can you summarize this for me?

    Installing Threadscribe

    Your summary will be generated and posted to the chat.

    Installing Threadscribe

  3. Search your summaries

    In a channel that ThreadScribe is in, you can ask it any question.

    For example, @ThreadScribe What does the latest market research indicate about our effective reach?

    Make a query

    ThreadScribe will react with the eyes emoji (👀) which indicates that it has received the request. It will then post the response directly to the slack thread.

    Search results

  4. View and manage your summaries

    You can view manage your summaries by navigating to our admin UI,

    Manage Summaries